blog posts

It Certainly Does, Ollie.

"Respected chef-restaurateur Bob Kinkead once told me that dinner should be “a circus on the plate.” Well, that’s not quite my style — and professional food styling has been my meal ticket for 27 years. Restaurant service has lots more helping hands than when you entertain at home, I reckon. But I like to bring composed plates to the table, even for casual meals. It’s a luxury when a host says, “Let me fix you a plate.” I don’t have to worry about how much — or little — to take. A buffet’s not for me."

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Five Minutes of Fame

A PechaKucha is a twenty slide presentation done in five minutes. 20 slides = 20 seconds/slide. Practicing I tried, with little success. Generally, by the time I reached my point, the slide was long gone. Those who know me, know HOW MUCH I talk. So, as geeky as I knew it would look, I held notes and made a stab at reading as the slides whizzed by. What a laugh. Look at the slide, look at my notes, look at the audience, spout nonsense and repeat. Twenty times. What a joy. It was FUN.

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As American as apple dumplings, the cooking of Chef Andrew Little, at Sheppard Mansion in Hanover, Pennsylvania, reflects deep pride in the heritage of South Central Pennsylvania. Land of the Pennsylvania Dutch, barely 50 miles from Baltimore, Philadelphia and Harrisburg, and another stone’s throw from Washington, DC and New York, the undulating hills of this stretch of mid-Atlantic is rich in agricultural and culinary resources. Chef Little is at home, and it shows.

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Ms. Krieger had come into my close radar about two years ago, when I wrote a profile of her for The Food Magazine. I found her to be engaging, charming, smart and unpretentious. While her first focus derives from her outlook as a registered dietician, an ascetic she ain't. Ms. Krieger obviously gives in happily - and healthfully - to sensuality and enjoyment.

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I'm super excited about the launch of the Wheat Foods Council's new site. And proud of my contributions. Several features were penned by me - In the Spotlight, a profile of chef David Guas, Books That Cook, a review of Joe Yonan's recent release "Serve Yourself", It's Tool Time, and a craft column, Decorate Your Tree.

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