"One Meatball" is a song my family sang after dinner when I was a kid, with my sister on guitar. We did that, sang around the table, which sounds so archaic now. It breaks my heart to think how earnest my parents were and heartfelt too.
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Mom Made
Moms are funny. Sometimes funny good, sometimes funny peculiar and sometimes funny haha. Ask my son. He will say that a mom is about 87% funny peculiar and the remaining 13% split between haha and funny
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No stranger to The Meatball Shop, I will never forget the lunch of pure lusciousness I licked off my plate and arms and fingers last year while in NYC. Had to hose myself off and run right home to blog about it. Now, should one need the miracle of those meatballs in the privacy of one's own home, thy will may be done.
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